Awesome domino-builders

If you're looking for great domino videos, you should totally check out the YouTube channels of


- the organisators of CDT

Tobias Demuth

Max Poser

Shane O'Brien

Tim Fort

- and Wout Heijnen and Bob Demper.

Plus many, many others - so no hard feelings, please, if I left out your channel.


Mike and Steve Perrucci, two brothers from Pennsylvania, use homemade dominoes and have a neat homepage on the topic:


Tim Weißker's website is worth visiting, too - I think it's the best domino homepage (not counting this one :D) there is at the moment:


Underrated YouTube-dominoist "bigbobbydog" from the Netherlands also has a Jimdo homepage:


And of course, the homepage of WDP, the creators of Domino Day:



Awesome... other people

It would be stupid of you if you ignored these YouTubers, unless you hate awesomeness and laughing:

- Steevy-Rose Contant, also called Evy Scars. One of the most lovely persons I've met (not only in "virtual life"). She looked like a good, but not outstanding vlogger and mind to me until I found out she's only 15 years old... considering that, she's absolutely brilliant.

Hank and John Green (after all, you'd probably guess I'm a nerdfighter)

- Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla

- a channel with amazing optical illusions

- Charlie McDonnell