
Like every normal person, I'm happy to receive feedback. I'm also open for suggestions on how to improve this website - or my domino projects, although I do prefer to choose for myself what I would like to build ;-)

I don't want to have delete too many comments, so please don't spam, post strange links, or have arguments in the guestbook. If you want to hate on me or offend me, I won't delete your comment unless it's really disgusting - if you want to make a fool of yourself, I won't stop you.

I'm sorry that the form is in German - it's an automatic form that you can only have in one language for the entire website. Just post your entry in the "Eintrag" field and click on "Senden". "Pflichtfelder" just means those are mandatory fields.

Please, at the moment, do not tell me I had to actually put some content into some of the rubrics. The website is still under construction.

You can also contact me by e-mail.